Sohum Spa - An Ultimate Relaxation !

Sohum Spas Sohum Spa is an extraordinary place I have ever visited in the heart of the city named Juhu, Mumbai. cid=4594640332481612788 I visited this month to get some relaxation, when I entered it was greeting and meetings with their receptionist and site manager Discussing on the massage which I should go for my current state. They explained me well and finalize on "Balinese Massage" I was then asked to wait for few minutes and offered with a ginger tea which was again a super classic. Then the time came for therapy "Balinese massage" A well trained and experienced Thai Therapist escorted me to their Studio Spa Room, while entering there's an aroma which you can sense and start feeling peace in your mind. This "Bali Massage" is full body massage with their aromatic creams, balms and oil all it made a perfect uplifting experience it would relax your muscles deeper and its se...